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Most of Indonesia's territory is sea, so many of its residents work as fishermen. When operating, fishermen use boats with paddles or engines. The type of engine used is a liquid-cooled diesel engine with an open cooling system. This machine is widely used because it is practical, without the need to fill or replace the coolant. The way it works is that sea water is sucked into the engine cooling system, then circulates in the engine to absorb heat, then thrown back into the sea without a filtering process. This causes pollutants such as rust, scale and lubricating oil from the engine to be thrown into the sea. Sea water contaminated with these pollutants is dangerous for the marine ecosystem. This research aims to design a diesel engine cooling exhaust water filter device with an open cooling system. By using human hair as an oil absorbent material, as well as sponge and cotton filters to filter pollutant particles. The research method uses descriptive analysis through field observations and the internet, followed by designing an image of a filter device called PERAMA. As a result of this PERAMA design, in the next stage a prototype will be made, it is hoped that this prototype will be able to filter pollutants carried by fishing boat diesel engine cooling waste water, so that pollution due to engine cooling waste water can be minimized.


Diesel engine Sea water Filter Hair

Article Details


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