Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) 2024-04-29T10:40:52+07:00 Alin Fithor [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) is a scientific research journal that aims to increase interest in writing for academics, practitioners and the general public, especially in the field of aquaculture. In addition, this journal aims to promote theories, practices, innovations, engineering, and management as well as socio-economic relevant to the field of aquaculture. The scope of this journal includes:</p> <p>1. Cultivation fisheries technology,</p> <p>2. Aquaculture engineering,</p> <p>3. Aquaculture management,</p> <p>4. Geographic fisheries information systems, and</p> <p>5. Fisheries management and business.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Sintasan journal is an open access for academic journal which follows double-blind review policy. The journal is scheduled for publication semiannually, in April and October, with the first issue to appear in April 2023.</p> ANALISIS KELIMPAHAN PLANKTON PADA TAMBAK UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei) DI KABUPATEN TEGAL, JAWA TENGAH 2024-04-29T10:40:52+07:00 Dimas Nugraha [email protected] Nurjanah [email protected] Ninik Umi Hartanti [email protected] <p>Plankton has a very important role in a water body, besides being the basis of the food chain, it is also one of the parameters of water fertility. This study aims to identify plankton, calculate plankton abundance, calculate biology index and determine the relationship of plankton abundance to water quality parameters. The research method three treatment ponds were observed A (wheel 806m²), B (combination of wheel and blower 600²) and C (blower 135m²) with 2 replications. The research is quantitative research, primary data obtained through observation, interviews, direct participation, documentation and secondary data including journal reviews, books, and literature. Statistical analysis was performed with a simple linear regression test using Excel XLSTAT. The results of plankton identification obtained 6 groups of phytoplankton and 1 group of zooplankton, pond treatment with a combination of wheel and blower (B1) is the highest number of 18 genus of plankton, while the lowest number of genus in blower treatment (C1) as many as 11 genus. The highest abundance of phytoplankton from the Chlorophyceae group in pond (A2) was 1,880,000 cells/L and the highest abundance of zooplankton from the genus Salpingoeca sp. in pond (B2) was 17,000 ind/L. The highest plankton dominance index (D) from the genus Chlorophyceae in the wheel treatment (A1) and (A2). The highest uniformity and diversity indices at B2 (E) = 0.69 and (Hꞌ) = 1.92 indicate fertile waters.</p> 2024-04-26T14:51:42+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) ANALISIS JUMLAH BAKTERI Vibrio sp. TERHADAP KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei) PADA TAMBAK DENGAN SISTEM BUDIDAYA INTENSIF DI TAMBAK KEDUNGKELOR KABUPATEN TEGAL, JAWA TENGAH 2024-04-29T10:40:04+07:00 Neng Ivah Syaripah [email protected] Nurjanah [email protected] Sri Mulatsih [email protected] <p>Vibrio sp. bacteria are aquatic bacteria that are opportunistic pathogens found and dominant in brackish water and estuarine environments. This study aims to identify Vibrio sp. bacteria, determine the number of Vibrio sp. bacteria, and determine the relationship between water quality parameters and the growth of Vibrio sp. The research method was carried out by observation in the field using three ponds, treatment A (wheel, 806 m²), B (combination of wheel and blower, 600 m²) and C (blower, 135 m²) with two replications. This research is descriptive quantitative research and data were obtained primary through observation, interviews, direct participation, documentation and secondary including journal reviews, books and literature. Statistical analysis was performed with simple linear regression using Excel XLSTAT. The results showed Vibrio sp. colony shape Circular, entire colony edges and elevations converge, yellow colony color in all treatments while green colony color in the wheel treatment pond (A2) and blower (C2). The highest number of Vibrio sp. bacteria is found in the pond with treatment of the wheel (A2) with a number of 3.93 x 10⁴ and the lowest pond in the treatment of a combination of wheel and blower 3.6 x 10³, the combination of wheel and blower is a pond with more stable conditions compared to other treatment ponds. Based on statistical analysis data, the parameter that has a very strong correlation is the DO parameter, the parameter that has a very strong correlation is the DO parameter.</p> 2024-04-26T14:47:51+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) PERANAN FISIKA DALAM BAKU MUTU BUDIDAYA 2024-04-29T10:38:55+07:00 Firmansyah Bagus Saputra [email protected] <p>Physics plays an important role in determining environmental conditions suitable for aquaculture's growth and development. Helps determine the amount of water flowing in and out of the pool, how quickly the water temperature rises or falls, and how to maintain the chemical stability of the water. It is important to carry out planning analysis in aquaculture management in accordance with the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 51 concerning seawater quality standards. If the water is high tide, it will flow automatically with aquaculture. It has not been widely investigated, but this study is considered important because it has yet to be available in ministerial regulations, even though quality standards are very important in planning and managing ponds as an integral part of the economic development of coastal communities. Physics studies are needed in pond management in this country.</p> 2024-04-26T14:44:46+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) PRAKTIKUM FISIKA SEBAGAI BAGIAN BUDIDAYA UNGGUL 2024-04-29T10:37:01+07:00 Aprijanto [email protected] <p>The scientific use of physical principles can enable aquaculture experts to create a comfortable environment for farmed marine animals to grow and develop well. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach that combines analysis of human actions. Eleven respondents participated in the physics practicum, mainly students from the fisheries and marine sciences faculty at Pancasakti University, Tegal. The results show that the connection with knowledge of physics comes from the hobby of studying at high school or vocational high school, and some students consider the important role of practicum as the forerunner of knowledge. The evident from the suitability of the interests of the school environment, which is important in practicums and physics courses.</p> 2024-04-26T14:42:17+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PAKAN TAMBAHAN SUPLEMENTASI AZOLLA (Azolla microphylla) DENGAN DOSIS YANG BERBEDA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) 2024-04-29T10:35:51+07:00 Mochammad Ardan Azhar [email protected] Sri Mulatsih [email protected] Ninik Umi Hartanti [email protected] <p>Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em> It is one of the freshwater fish that has received considerable attention from the government which is expected to contribute to increased production. In doing fish farming business, it is hoped that fish can grow faster. One effort to accelerate the growth of Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em> &nbsp;by adding supplementation to the feed. One of the supplementations that can be used Azolla. addition of Azolla supplementation <em>(Azolla microphylla) </em>can affect the process of growth and development of Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em>. Knowing the effect of dosing Azolla <em>(Azolla microphylla) </em>which is effective against the growth of Tilapia (<em>Oreochromis niloticus</em><em>)</em>. The method used in the study was an experimental method of 3 treatments using Complete Random Design (RAL), each treatment had 3 repetitions, each of which consisted of 10 TilapiaS <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em>. The fish to be used in this study are Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em>&nbsp; fry with a length of between 5-7 cm. As an additional feeding treatment Azolla <em>(Azolla microphylla)</em> &nbsp;supplementation with treatment doses A (20 gr), B (30 gr), C (40 gr) and control (0 cm). The results showed that each treatment differed markedly on growth and survival rates. Treatment C is the best treatment at growth of 8.9 g and daily growth rate of 0.319 gr, Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em>&nbsp; fry survival in A, B, C and Control is relatively stable with a survival percentage of 100%. Water quality during the study was within a decent range for Tilapia <em>(Oreochromis niloticus)</em>&nbsp; life.</p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Sains dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan (SINTASAN)