Manuscripts that submitted to Jurnal SINTASAN should be consistent with Focus and Scope, then verified according to Guidelines including plagiarism using standard Plagscan and Turnitin as plagiarism detection software, Google Scholar by the Assistant Editor. The author should attach the Results of Plagiarism Analysis and statement regarding the originality of a manuscript.

After complying with the writing format and passing plagiarism, the manuscript will be distributed to the Editorial Board by Editor in Chief to be reviewed. The next in the step the manuscript will be sent to Peer-Reviewer with Double Blind Review. The final stages of a manuscript will be accepted or rejected by Editor in Chief in regular Editorial Board meeting. The rejected manuscript will be resubmitted to the author.

The editing manuscript will be verified with the same Plagiarism system by Assistant Editor. Proof readings will be done to the Editor in Chief and Author as the final draft for the publishing process.